100% pure
Dalda sunflower cooking oil
Dalda Sunflower Cooking Oil is extracted from high quality sunflower plants, to produce an oil high in monounsaturates, which is perfectly suited to all frying occasions & other culinary uses. Dalda Sunflower Cooking Oil is best described as the mystique behind exceptional cooking and is well known in many markets, among consumers, caterers, and as ingredients in a wide range of end products of food industries.
- 1 Liter
- 2 Liter
- 5 Liter
- 20 Liter

Why choose Dalda Sunflower oil?
For daily heart care, choose Dalda Sunflower Oil.
Nutrition Facts:

100% Refined Sunflower Oil
Dalda Sunflower Cooking Oil is extracted from high quality sunflower plants, to produce an oil high in monounsaturates

Produced in the unqiue refining system
We are committed to making every drop of oil safe, healthy, and nutritious.

High in Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant. That means it protects the body's cells from damage due to oxidation, a natural byproduct of metabolism.

Subtle Aroma of Sunkissed Oil
Sunflower oil has a light texture and is pleasant to use. It contains vitamins A, C, D, and E, a high linoleic acid content, and few saturated fatty acids.